Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Vacation Round Up

Like many people we were busy during Christmas vacation. This year our time was shorter, by 3 days, than normal due to a change in the school schedule. However, we persevered and were able to fit in a lot of happenings.
We started off with a duck hunt at the beaver pond one morning. The hubs had scouted it the day before and it was loaded with ducks. We had some ran move the day and night before, but we set out on that adventure anyway  only to find - as usual with ducks- they are there one day and not the next. The walk across the beaver dam was a little treacherous,but hey anything for ducks, right??!! We were able to get a few though...

We also took a trip to Cuba, Alabama to visit my other BNL, Scott. They have a hunting camp up that way so we took the kids and they got to have a good time with their cousins.
Also the hubs and Owen got lucky and found this little fella wandering around.

The deer came in about 4:20 and he was trying to get Owen set up to shoot and before he could the deer walked out the field. When the deer came back in Shane took the shot.

Holt also "killed" his first buck with his Uncle Stanton on a deer drive. According to Holt he shot the deer. He "says" he pulled the trigger and Uncle Stanton helped hold the shot gun. Well, that's their story and they are sticking to it anyway. After a little celebrateing and dancing around Uncle Stanton was able to snap a picture.

More Pictures from the hunting camp

Airsoft War!!!

BTW those airsoft plastic BBs hurt like the dickens!!

Hope everyone enjoyed there Christmas Holiday and

We celebrated the new year with a family get together at the skinin' shed. We grilled, cooked collards in the old cast iron wash pot( you can see it hanging over the fire in the picture) and roasted marshmallows by the fire. However, no one in my crew made it to see midnight central time. But I am sure we were awake to celebrate in other time zones.