Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Finale!!

Well I suppose this is it. The End. The inevitable. The finale. The fat lady has sung. It is official, Alabama's 2011-2012 deer season has come and gone. Finished.  BOOOOO!!!!

Anyway, we went out with a a BANG!, literally. Gage killed a seven point hunting by his self Monday. So it was his first kill sitting by his self. He was so excited he could hardly contain his self.
I wish I could  have recorded him when we pulled up. Hilarious!

Gage's Uncle Stanton decided since it was his first buck by his self that he needed to be re-initiated...

Notice the little fella in the back ground!! LOL!
Tuesday the very last day at last light I shot  a small "cull" buck. He turned out to be a 6 point, but I thought he was bigger. He came out close to the stand running a doe, I tried to wake Owen, but couldn't and shot him before he left the patch. Not too much to brag on, but hey more MEAT!!!

Yes, I was dressed in a tank top and hunting pants. I had a jacket and a sweater, but it was hot...So that was a first to be dressed like that to kill a deer.

Hope everyone had a good season. So long deer season, til we meet again...

So in the mean time:

Yep, that's what's for supper!

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